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Tuesday 1 May 2012

Leni's 10K Run for Chance To Live

Thanks for everyone's support, REMEMBER there is still time to sponsor, here is a little idea of where the money we have raised will be going:

As you know the charity’s main objective is to promote awareness to the public (locally and internationally) of the importance of registering to be a Bone Marrow Donor and saving stem cell cords to help save lives and thus encourage people to register. All of our funds go towards the aims of the charity, and all our staff including directors are volunteers, so we do not waste any funds; even the premises are rent free.
One of the main objectives of our charity is to double the size of the bone marrow registries from 18 million to 37 million in the shortest time possible. We have already got many people to join the worldwide Bone Marrow Registries here in the UK, in New York and in Texas. Generally we tend to get over half the people attending a function (such as a birthday party for personal events or a conference for non-personal events) to join the Registry.

Also please check out our website to see our latest news and our charity’s Future Direction, Mission, Launching your Own Campaign/Drive(coming soon), etc. 

CHECK BACK to see how much Leni's have raised and for a further breakdown of how Chance to Live will spend the money.

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