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Wednesday 30 May 2012

Leni's 10k Charity run TOTAL

Leni's took part in a 10k run in Richmond park on the 19th April 2012, thank you to everyone who attended and supported.


Chance to Live explains how the money will help:

'All funds raised will go towards fulfilling the charity’s objectives of bringing awareness to the public (locally and internationally) of the importance of registering to be a bone marrow donor and saving stem cell cords.  We are a registered charity and all our staff including directors are volunteers so we do not waste any funds; even the premises is rent free.

We utilise the funds for publicity about what people can do to save lives through printing literature such as banners, leaflets, and large posters that go into public and private venues ranging from GP Practises, hospitals, schools, universities, and even launderettes or fast food cafĂ©’s. We campaign to influential people asking them to make a public stance so that they can help raise awareness and also to other organisations. As an example, we are currently trying to campaign to raise awareness about freezing blood cords and making it free for the public as a choice.

We also do bone marrow campaigns and use funds for the campaigns including provision of banner stands and assist in sending out bone marrow kits worldwide. Recently we did a campaign at the East London Women’s Institute as an example and people joined the registry as a direct result. We have had people join a bone marrow registry locally and as far away as Mexico.

Finally we use the funds to keep our online presence active and proactively encourage volunteers to spend their time with the tools, know-how and campaign materials to host their own fully fledged local bone marrow campaigns. Such campaigns have already taken place in London, New York and Texas and we working towards more local and international campaigns to reach our goal of substantially increasing the worldwide bone marrow registries which directly will help saves lives of those desperately in need.

To this end we are also investing in our website to give volunteers a capability to host their bone marrow campaigns through provision of an advanced microsite with tools they can customise to send a local message into their community and culture, host social events, write blogs and more. This will really enable volunteers to launch inspiring local grassroots bone marrow campaigns in every part of the world and hence raise awareness further through social media and a state of the art online presence.

In the future, when we are better funded, we also want to encourage the setup of bone marrow registries in the many areas of the world where there are none.'

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